Spotted By Grindelwald And Went To Hogwarts

Chapter 373: “Found A Genius”

Chapter 373: “Found A Genius”

Hello there junior? Why do you call me that? Who are you? Capone gulped nervously.

But a voice in his little heart cried out excitedly that he was like him, his kind.

Oh, dont worry about me. My name is Sean Wallup. You can just call me Sean. Before you ask, yes, its just as you think. Capone saw the boy draw out his wand.

David and the others were still floating in the sky. Strangely, they could only yell in fear but could not speak anything else.

You can see my thoughts?! Capone covered his mouth in horror.

Sean spread his hands, I dont need magic to see through your thoughts. But its obvious.

Magic? You mean my talent is magic? Capone immediately understood something.

Oh, you think thats talent? Sean smiled, I can explain a lot to you. I thought you hated that kind of thing.

Dad told me not to flaunt it around.

Sean walked up to him, That is indeed true. Do you mind giving me your hand?

Capone hesitated for a while, glanced at the few floating boys, and handed out his hand. Sean held his hand and soon sensed a familiar, weak power. He frowned slightly. Sure enough, an Obscurus was already forming.

Sean has a lot of understanding of the Obscurus. If his Obscurus has fully formed, there is no way to separate that thing from his own strength. However, there is only one seed in his body at present, and its still growing. So he wouldnt have much of a problem handling them.

Looking at Seans expression, Capone became a little nervous.

After Sean frowned slightly, he became increasingly flustered and finally couldnt help but ask, Am I not good enough?

Huh? Why do you say that? Sean smiled and let go of his hand.

Since you say junior, it proves that people with this kind of talent should have a certain scale, and they have certain teachers teach corresponding students and put on certain schools? Which means an inspector would come and check up on me later for qualification or something.

Did I fail? I think I am still young and have room to grow. Capone said a lot like a cannonball. The anxiety in his eyes cannot be concealed.

Sean has no interest in playing tricks with him. He smiled, You are not. You and I are the same kind, which is wizards. That kind of talent is called magic, just like what you see and feel the same. After youre eleven years old, youre eligible to enter the best wizarding school, Hogwarts.

The words wizard and Hogwarts made Capones breath heavy. He rubbed his hands in embarrassment, Really?

Yes, but before that, there are a few things that need to be taken care of. Sean pointed at the floating boys, How do you want to deal with them?

Capones breathing became more rapid. He lowered his head and raised it after a while.

Mr. Wallup, may I do it myself?

By all means.

Capone clenched the wooden stick in his hand and walked towards those boys step by step. He hit Davids head and others. David let out a miserable snort, tears already streaming down unconsciously. Capone gave another two hits and did the same to several other boys.

Probably due to his weakness, he panted on the spot and turned his back to Sean after doing all this. Sean just watched all this silently.

After a while, Capone turned around. He threw away the wooden stick in his hand, and the tears on his face had been wiped clean.

Thank you, Mr. Wallup.

Sean raised his eyebrows with great interest, Is that it?

Yes, thats it. Capone nodded seriously, This is enough.

If I heard correctly, they have been bullying you since childhood.

Yes, but not in the future. Mr. Wallup, please teach me magic. Capone bowed, his head almost touching his knees.

Sean didnt say much, nodded, and waved his wand casually. He cast a curvy tail on them, and they were weeping bitterly and opened their eyes wide. Capone watched all this in shock, then looked at Seans wand curiously.

Its called a wand. When you go to school, youll have one too. Do you know why Im doing this?

Capone hesitated for a while. He now regards Sean as the person who needs to go with him. After a while, he replied, Because they made a mistake?

Smart. Im punishing them not because youre a wizard and theyre Muggles but because they made a mistake and needed to be punished. Sean led him out of the alley.

Capone thought about it for a while and remembered this sentence in his heart. Whether a wizard or a Muggle should be punished for making mistakes. But what are Muggles? Is it people who dont know magic?

After walking out of the alley, Capone glanced back and said with some concern, Do you just let them in like this?

Dont worry. They wont remember what happened today, and they should be busy looking for the hospital to cut their tails later, and they shouldnt have bothered you again.

While talking, Sean led Capone towards a small house in the distance.

You still have a problem to deal with, but its not a big problem. I will often come here to help you deal with it during this period. Well, you should feel a little bit later. For example, when others bully you, you will have all kinds of negative emotions rising, and this kind of power in your body cant be contained.

Listening to Seans words, Capone was a little puzzled, I got angry sometimes, but I dont seem to have the unstoppable emotion you said.

Now, it was Seans turn to be surprised. Even though the Obscurus hadnt fully formed yet, the power of even a small Obscurus seed was greater than young wizards power. There are currently only two Obscurial who have survived when they were ten years old; one is Aurelius, and the other is Daisy.

Talk to me about your feelings. Sean became more interested now.

With some hesitation, Capone looked down at his hands and muttered, I knew I was different from David and the others since I was a child. My father said I cant show this power; otherwise, I will be imprisoned.

Sean raised his eyebrows in surprise, How old were you? How old were you when you first felt it?

Capone hesitated for a while, I felt it when I was very young, probably when I couldnt walk well. I could let the apples on the table fly as long as I wanted to. My dad cried and laughed when he saw it but told me I cannot tell anyone about this.

Give me your hand again. Ill take another look. After another more detailed examination, it was Seans turn to be amazed.

Before, he was surprised that Capone had been bullied for so long and he had been suppressing his power. But the Obscurus in his body was only a seed that was not deeply rooted in his body.

Now, it seems that Obscurus is partly restricted by his power.

This child is only ten years old, but the magic power in his body is terrifying. Sean even suspects that many wizards do not have so much magic power when they are adults, and Capone still has a lot of room to grow.

If Im not wrong, youre a genius, Sean said bluntly.

Huh? Capone almost kneeled down.

I know its hard for you to understand, but when you really start to study magic, you will understand it yourself, Sean said with his hands behind his back.

Capone nodded, wondering if all wizards talk like this.

Sean pointed to a house in the distance, Do you know someone there?

Its Ms. Bathildas home. I go there every three days to deliver food or something to her.

Do me a favor. Go there once a day, I will prepare the things for you, and explain the situation to your father. If there is an old man who comes out to stare at you, dont be afraid, he wont hurt you. Sean ordered.

Capone took the words to heart, then nodded.

By the way, if that old man wants to teach you something, dont hesitate to listen to him.

Huh? Didnt you say that I can start learning magic until Im eleven?

I mean, wheres the harm of it? Dont worry about that. It wont do you any harm. Sean smiled.

Alright then


The next day, when Capone passed with a big bag of things, he felt a little uneasy. Although he is young, he is not stupid. Anyone who was treated like this by Sean must also be a wizard. No wonder every time he came to this yard, he felt a little strange about his surroundings.

After knocking on the door, Bathilda came and opened it.

Oh, Capone. Didnt you just deliver it yesterday?

Maam, Mr. Sean Wallup asked me to deliver things to you every day. Shall I help you move it in? Capone said.

Oh, Sean? What a caring boy. No need, Capone, youve done good. said Bathilda tremblingly.

Then excuse me, maam.

When Capone put everything away and was about to leave, a figure stood at the top of the stairs at some point. It was the old man that Sean said. Capone immediately knew who he meant. He thought of Seans instructions and immediately stood up straight like a soldier in training.

Those eyes look much scarier than Seans.

A boring little trick. Capone heard the man say something in a dull tone and then walked back upstairs.

Huh? Capone wiped the sweat from his forehead and left quickly.

At this time, Sean was looking for someone. He didnt help Capone to get close to Grindelwald directly. Grindelwald felt the Obscurus in Capones body. Asking Capone to deliver things was indeed Seans idea to get close to him.

Grindelwald mentions the kids name, which shows that he has been paying attention. He wants to deal with these problems easily, but he doesnt want to do it. This shows that Grindelwald is dissatisfied with the state of the world today.

Of course, this is just a trick to make Grindelwald untie that feeling.

Damn it, I cant find anything. Could it be that he imprisoned himself directly to avoid the worlds gaze? Sean muttered in a low voice after searching around on the basement floor of Nurmengard.

Although the old Grindelwald lost his memory, it should be easy to understand all of this stuff on his own. Otherwise, he would not take the initiative to take the invisibility cloak to cover himself.

But the question is, where did he hide himself?

The invisibility cloak is big. It can cover two people, whether they are big or small. Sean is going to have a talk with old Grindelwald under the cover of the invisibility cloak. He searched for a long time in Nurmengard but couldnt find him.

Sean was about to return but heard footsteps from a distance. He waved his wand, and his figure disappeared into the surrounding environment.

The person who came was a woman, Vinda Rosier, who was the second principal of Nurmengard. Since Grindelwald announced that she would create a new world, she has become younger and younger.

Professor Rozier walked to the center. She didnt look in Seans direction but called Seans name directly.

Sean, Lord Grindelwald has informed me. I know you are here.

Sean was confused.

She continued to speak loudly, He told me that he is currently in a situation. However, there are situations where he needs your help.

Huh? Sean revealed his figure.

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