Rebirth Stockpiling: The Little Girl Sweeps Through the Apocalypse

Chapter 297

The urban area of Rong City was vast, and the number of zombies was overwhelming.

After some discussion, everyone agreed to first clear the zombies in the surrounding areas before moving inward.

Like the rings of a tree, they would eliminate the zombies layer by layer, gradually advancing toward the center.

Thus, Yun Xiaoxiao and a group of barrier-summoning ability users took the lead, piloting helicopters to hover above the city and continuously dropping barriers from the sky.

These barriers formed concentric rings of obstruction, effectively dividing the zombies into layers.

Meanwhile, others stayed behind, led by earth-ability users, and began digging large pits.

Xiao Feng, on the other hand, flew a plane carrying Liu Xiaohui and Han Bing, delivering gas canisters, oil, speakers, and charged phones to various locations.

More than three hours later, all preparations were complete.

"Commander Zheng's side is ready," Han Bing nodded to Yun Xiaoxiao.

This time, she accompanied Yun Xiaoxiao as part of the mobile team, staying airborne in the helicopter on standby.

With them were Xiao Feng, Mu Yang, Liu Xiaohui, Zheng Yuner, and Nan Yi.

Upon hearing Han Bing's words, Yun Xiaoxiao nodded.

In the next moment, she pulled out a flare gun and fired a shot in five different directions.

This had been agreed upon beforehand.

Once each location was ready, they would notify Yun Xiaoxiao, who was circling above in the helicopter, via walkie-talkie.

When all five locations were set, Yun Xiaoxiao would fire the flare gun as a unified signal.

The loud gunshot served as the war horn for the five factions to commence their battle!

The moment the flare gun fired...


A deafening explosion erupted.


*Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!*

Several more earth-shattering explosions followed in quick succession.

The thunderous noise was like the roars of colossal beasts unleashed, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Massive gray-black mushroom clouds rose from five locations, their imposing presence expanding as if threatening to engulf the entire world.

At the same time, the pounding footsteps of tens of thousands of zombies echoed, accompanied by their ear-splitting roars.

Hordes of zombies surged toward the five outposts outside the city.

Their momentum was overwhelming, as if they were about to trample the ground into collapse.

From the ground, the scene might not have been as striking, but for Yun Xiaoxiao and her team flying above, the view was nothing short of breathtaking.

The outermost zombies in the city resembled a dense swarm of wild beasts, frantically rushing toward the outskirts.

The zombies closer to the outer ring also grew restless upon hearing the massive explosions.

They tried to flee but were blocked by towering barriers.

The innermost zombies, however, remained largely unaffected. Upon hearing the noise, they merely looked around in confusion.

After all, the sound had weakened significantly by the time it reached them, and their reaction was far less intense than that of the outermost zombies.

The subsequent process was similar to what Yun Xiaoxiao and her team had experienced before: burning the zombies and then entering the city to eliminate them.

The first layer went smoothly, with no major incidents.

Everyone had been through numerous battles and had honed their skills.

Moreover, the zombies in the outermost layer of the city weren't particularly powerful variants, so dealing with them wasn't too difficult.

However, problems began to arise during the second layer.

The Tang Brothers' side suddenly faced dozens of level three and four mutated zombies, along with two level five mid-tier advanced zombies.

Chaos immediately broke out.

The team's rhythm was disrupted, and several people were severely injured.

Upon observing the situation, Yun Xiaoxiao quickly led her team to assist.

At that moment, most of the team was hastily dealing with the level three and four zombies.

The scene was chaotic.

The Tang Brothers and a few others were battling one of the level five zombies.

Although their fight wasn't entirely smooth, they weren't at a disadvantage and even had the upper hand.

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, it was only a matter of time before they defeated the zombie.

However, the situation with the other level five zombie was far worse.

That side was composed of skilled individuals from other bases.

But no matter how skilled they were, the strongest among them was only at level four initial-tier, making the fight against a level five zombie quite challenging.

Just ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌‌​​​​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​​‌​‍as one of them was about to be injured by the zombie, a vine suddenly appeared and yanked the person away.

The level five zombie lunged at empty air and let out a furious roar.

The appearance of the vine stunned the group momentarily, but they soon broke into relieved smiles.

Reinforcements had arrived!

"Go deal with the other zombies. Leave this one to me," Yun Xiaoxiao said to Mu Yang and the others, as well as the group she had just rescued.

"Be careful," Mu Yang cautioned before leaving.

Yun Xiaoxiao nodded, keeping her eyes on the level five zombie. "Got it."

Mu Yang then led the others back into the fray.

The mutated zombies were fierce and powerful, and the team's abilities were uneven, making this a formidable enemy.

With Mu Yang and the others joining the fight, the situation was instantly revitalized, like a shot of adrenaline.

Except for Liu Xiaohui, the rest of the team was highly capable.

Mu Yang, Xiao Feng, and Zheng Yuner were no exception.

Metal blades, flames, and explosives—each attack was more destructive than the last.

As for Nan Yi, he was even more impressive.

Thanks to the treatment provided by Zhong Mingsheng and his team, his withdrawn condition had improved.

Coupled with the enhancement of his abilities, he could now control his sonic attacks effectively.

No longer did his attacks indiscriminately wipe out everything in their path.

Now, his attacks could specifically target zombies, and the results were remarkable.

If he screamed at a level two or lower zombie, its head would explode within three seconds.

For higher-level zombies, it took a bit longer.

Given that his ability was purely offensive and his personal condition, Lu Chen had taught him some evasion skills back at the base.

He had a natural talent and learned quickly.

So, when facing higher-level zombies that he couldn't immediately kill, he would use the evasion skills Lu Chen had taught him to dodge while continuously attacking.

Thus, level three and four zombies were like ripe watermelons waiting to be split open in front of him.Nôv(el)B\\jnn

Yun Xiaoxiao released Little Cutie and Little Flower to assist Mu Yang and the others.

Big Beauty, however, protested loudly, demanding to be let out as well.

Unable to withstand the noise, Yun Xiaoxiao discreetly released it when no one was looking.

These mutated plants and animals were immune to the zombie virus.

Even if they bit open a zombie's head and consumed its crystal core, they would remain unharmed and even grow stronger.

The three of them charged excitedly toward the nearby zombies.

In the few seconds it took for this to happen, the level five mutated zombie had already closed in on Yun Xiaoxiao.

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