Disciple of Immortal

Act 2: Chapter 44: Half-Elf Girl and Woman With Goat Mask(Side: Pomera)

Act 2: Chapter 44: Half-Elf Girl and Woman With Goat Mask(Side: Pomera)

After parting ways with Kanata, Pomera entered the guild building along with Rosemonde and Philia.

In front of the guild, it seems that even the average adventurers who didn’t get called last night were also called out to travel together with the carriages.

Pomera’s party was being guided by the man with a pointy hat who was also acting as Gannet’s assistant, Zild, into the same meeting room as last night.

Upon entering, Gannet welcomed her immediately while rubbing his hands together.

「Ooh, please come in! Saint Pomera-dono, Rosemonde-dono… and milady, Philia-dono.」

「Y-Yes! Uhm, I-I’ll do my best!」

Pomera replied while bowing repeatedly to Gannet.

From the very beginning, Pomera was lacking in the experience with socializing, especially if the other party was a big shot. Since she almost never left Kanata’s side after she met him, she was back to her old habits once he left her.

「Okay stop, no need to bow like that.」

Contrary to humble Pomera, Rosemonde was still as prideful as ever.

Let alone looking at him, she didn’t even return the greeting towards Gannet, as if he was never there.

Philia walked closer to Gannet and then touched his beard.

「Beardy uncle!」


「Hoho, I don’t mind if a child wants to touch my beard. Feel free to touch this old man’s beard.」

Gannet replied with a gentle smile on his face.

And then, he squinted his eyes as he looked at Pomera.

「So, where is… Kanata-dono?」

「S-Sorry! K-Kanata-san… He suddenly excused himself and was unable to participate! Sorry!」

The guild’s staff sneered at her upon seeing Pomera apologizing for Kanata.

「Nonono, just from the fact that Pomera, who is famous as the saint, is willing to come is already a great boost to our morale. We’ll be in your care today.」

But, the guild’s staff had a sudden change of attitude when they saw Gannet’s crestfallen face, revealing his disappointment.

「… I-Is that so… Kanata-dono has an urgent business, huh… If possible, can you tell me the direction he went? I might be able to send my subordinates to assist him. We would be really lucky if he has some leeway to help us, but… nevertheless, I guess it really can’t be helped if he’s really unable to do so.」

「U-Uhm, that’s… P-Pomera also… has no idea where is Kanata-san heading…」

Gannet raised his face and then glanced at Pomera.

It was as if he was trying to guess whether Pomera was speaking the truth.

Pomera unintentionally looked down on the floor upon receiving such a gaze.

「I see… well, it can’t be helped then…」


Pomera unintentionally apologizes to Gannet again.

Rosemonde tapped lightly on Pomera’s shoulder with her hand that was protected with a heavy looking glove.

「… Oi, half-elf girl. That man seems to be really keen in hiding his strength but, have you told about his strength to this old fox? This old fox seems to put much importance on him.」

「… N-No, we should never tell him about Kanata-san.」

Pomera was glancing at the dejected Gannet with an anxious look on her face.

It seems Gannet had managed to grasp Kanata’s strength by mere intuition.

After that, Pomera and co moved toward the chairs surrounding the round table.

Since Philia wasn’t originally invited to attend the meeting and Pomera felt anxious about her using the other chair, she finally let Philia sit on her lap.

Rosemonde, who sat in the seat next to Pomera, was sitting in silence as she crossed her arms, glancing anxiously every once in a while towards Philia.

Though they sat next to each other, there was no conversation between them.

Though Rosemonde was strangely taking the initiative to talk with Kanata during last night’s meeting, Pomera wasn’t in the proper state to have a conversation and only replied appropriately.

Though they were conversing normally until they came to this place, Pomera felt rather displeased upon hearing Rosemonde’s remark.

Because their sense of distance was rather lacking for mere acquaintance.

Added to that the fact that Rosemonde herself was an outspoken person,  it was even harder for Pomera to break the ice.

But then, being caught in uncomfortable silence for a while with acquaintances by your side felt wrong for Pomera.

For Pomera, this kind of mutual silence was strangely uncomfortable for her, or rather, it felt more like strained. She felt that she had to at least break the ice with Rosemonde as naturally as possible, so she adjusted her breath while waiting for the right timing.

Pomera was a shy person but she was also strangely an honest girl.

「I-It seems that almost everyone who gathered last night has come.」

「… Hou? Is that a sarcasm for me, adorable girl?」

Rosemonde’s goat mask tilted, she was glaring at Pomera.

「N-No! U-Uhm, Pomera doesn’t mean that way!」

Pomera shook her head to correct the misunderstanding.

Rosemonde laughed upon seeing Pomera’s state and then looking around at the meeting room.

「… 《Ares Hand》 isn’t coming, huh.」

「Are you referring to the S-rank adventurer… Kotone-san?」

Pomera was looking around for Kotone’s face upon hearing Rosemonde’s remark.

But, she couldn’t find Kotone’s face in the meeting room.

「… Maybe she doesn’t want to come. Her strength is certain but she is a taciturn and weird woman whose thoughts I can’t even begin to guess. But without her… the situation during the migration might become even more dangerous.」

Rosemonde spoke the last part with an even more grave tone than before.

Pomera unintentionally gasped for a breath when she heard that.

When she took a closer look, Gannet was loitering around the door restlessly as he spoke with his subordinates.

Pomera then shifted her attention to the wall clock.

It was almost the appointment time.

「Gannet-san, anymore than this is…」

「U-Uhm, you’re right. Zild. Send people to go looking for Kotone-dono… and Kanata-dono after this.」

Gannet spoke to his assistant, Zild, in front of the door.

As Pomera was looking at them, the door was slowly pushed open.

The one who appeared from behind the door had glossy, black hair. Her cold eyes which were seemingly devoid of emotion scanned the people in the meeting room.

Pomera had met her just last night; it was Kotone Takanashi.

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