Seven Sins System

Chapter 101: Unexpected Summon II

Chapter 101: Unexpected Summon II

Seven Sins System Chapter 101. Unexpected Summon II

My eyes that widened in shock fell on my summoner. There were three of them. They sat around a table with paper that had been drawn with blood and an Ouija Board. Their eyes were tightly closed. Their hands were on the planchette. Based on the small room which was a little messy, I bet this was in one of the student male dorm rooms.

But what shocked me was their identity. They were the trio! Barry, Ion, and Darren!

'For my father's sake, why are all my team playing with the devil summoning? Don't you have anything else to do? Something more positive?!' I cried out loud internally. My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.

Okay, I admitted that sounded wrong since as the devil, I should be happy with this or at least angry because of the Ouija Board or because I couldn't get their soul. But what I felt was the opposite.

As for the summoning, with this incident, I was sure it was not a coincidence. I never got any summons before the first mission, suddenly I got two summons in a day. All of it came from the academy a couple of days after it. As for my team, I was not sure the culprit was aimed at them since according to Claire, she found my summoning formation from the library by chance.

Previously, I thought it was just a coincidence so I postponed my intention to check the library. But with this, I was pretty sure someone put the summoning formation in the academy library for whatever purpose. To be sure, this had something to do with last time's attack.

Since they were using the Ouija Board I bet they just want to ask this and that, something stupid so I decided to use my Camouflage skill to keep myself invisible and use my Telekinesis skill to communicate with them.

"Hey, has that devil arrived? I got goosebumps," said Ion without opening his eyes. His voice trembled slightly. It was a normal reaction for mortals since the presence of an angel or devil would be marked by a significant change in the surrounding atmosphere.

"I don't know. Just ask him," Darren answered in a nonchalant tone.

"I think it's just a suggestion. There's no way this is the real one. I bet someone is trying to mess up with the students," joked Barry. Out of three, he was my summoner. I could even see his finger wrapped in bandages.

Upon what Barry said, Darren opened his eyes.

"I agree. What does an Ouija Board do in a library anyway? This is just a stupid prank." As I suspected, they also took it from the library.

"As expected…" Barry muttered in disappointment, opening his eyes. Which was followed by Ion.

"Anyway, we shouldn't be messing around with this. This is for summoning the devil, he will get angry if we call him to play around," Ion reminded them.

'If you had expected it and knew you shouldn't have done it, why are you still doing it?!' I screamed again.

In fact, I was shocked. Even though my presence had changed the atmosphere around them, the only one who was afraid was only Ion.

So I decided to teach them a little lesson.

A long exhale came out of my mouth as I used my telekinesis to pull the computer chair from in front of the desk to their table.

- Rrrwwwrr…

The sound of the rotating chair wheels broke their conversation. The trio turned to the chair in shock. They pressed their lips. Their faces stiffened. Their eyes widened.

Then, as if on cue, they exchanged glances with pale faces and spoke again.

"I-It must be the wind, right?" said Barry in a stammering voice. His fear was clear in his voice.

"O-Of course. It must be the wind. What else?" said Darren in the same fright.

While Ion didn't say a word. His gaze was fixed on the chair.

I shook my head from side to side since all the windows were tightly closed and from their pale faces, I was sure that simple things should have scared them to the bone.

'Heh, it was you who called me,' I scoffed internally. An annoying smirk on my lips.

Nonchalantly, I turned the chair to face them and sat there. It created a slight indentation on the cushion.

The trio stared at me or rather the chair in horror.

"B-Barry… Something is sitting there." Finally, Ion spoke up. His voice sounded like a squeak.

"O-Or someone…" Darren added in the same low voice.

"O-Or a ghost…" Barry continued in fear.

Once again I shook my head from side to side and smiled wryly.

'You are calling a devil yet you expect a ghost?'

"W-We should run…" Ion gave an idea. He lowered his voice. It sounded like a whisper.

"I-If we run he will chase us," replied Barry, leaning towards him.

It almost made me laugh.

'Of course, I will chase you. You summon me but then you run. What are you? A middle school girl trying to confess her crush?'

Since this was an Ouija Board and I shouldn't communicate with them by voice, I used my Telekinesis to move the planchette. It startled them and it pulled their hands to follow.

"It moves on its own…" Barry said in fear.

The planchettes moved on letter by letter to form a sentence that they read out loud.

"I. Am. Here. Why. Are. You. Summon. Me. Mortals?"

Note: Yes. I experienced this kind of supernatural thing at my uni. It was evening. I was alone in the computer lab and suddenly the computer chair across from me was facing me. I was trying to calm down, save my project, and close my laptop before I left the room. The accident only happened less than a half minute but it was the longest minute of my life.

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