Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 101- Mountain Traversal

[Vol.2] Quest 101- Mountain Traversal

Spending some time in Telskyura to recover Cirrus sparred with Ai.

Since for 4 years, Cirrus had been more busy smithing and making stuff to escape the island has had slacked off on his fighting.

Huff! Huff! Ugh! I’m really rusty.” Cirrus said with various cuts.

“Hmm… it’s a bit frustrating. You are holding your own. I thought I would beat you down more.” Ai said with barely any sweat.

“I am a level higher than you, but…” Cirrus touches the cuts she made on him. “Your skills are certainly better than mine.”

“Then let me clean up the rust!!” Ai then resumed her relentless assault.

While watching Cirrus spar with Ai, Nox was eating to regain some of the weight she lost along with Circe, who was eating modern-day foods.

“Hmmm!! This meat tastes so good!” Circe said.

“When we return to nom! Orario!” Nox said with a mouth full of food. “I’ll take you to some good restaurants!”

“Hm! By the way, Nox um… thanks for umm… leading the hunters to… you know?” Circe said, looking down.

“… No worries, I’m glad a fellow spirit from a night goddess has survived.”

“Hmm… so they really won’t hunt us?”

“Nope, in fact, most of the ones that went after us are dead and our contractor is one of the strongest people in the world! So no worries! On second thought… I need to keep a careful eye on him when he does stupid stuff.”

“Hm, he told me how he got to my island.”

“Yeah… thank you again for saving him.”

“Hm, no worries. If he didn’t show up, I’m sure I would still be alone on that island till… who knows how long?”

Bache also spared with Ai, but with mixed results, her sister would peek around the corner for a while and then leave.

After some days, they were ready to leave.

“Bwa-hahahahahaha!!! It’s nice to see you up and ready to go!” said Kali.

“Yeah… well, I would like it if you didn’t give me a tattoo,” Cirrus said, touching the right shoulder, which had a very geometrical appearance that went down to his elbow in geometric shapes. "Along with a hair cut and some new clothes."

“It’s showing you can come to and from Telskyura.” Said, Bache. “It’s our way of apologizing for what had happened to you.”

“And also we got a new batch of strong Amazoness!” said Kali. “Those Poseidon Familia sure do have an appetite!”

“Hmm… Ai, why didn’t you get one too?”

“It’s frowned upon in my homeland to get a tattoo. Only criminals get them.” She said. “But… it looks good on you.” She said with a smile.

“I see." Cirrus said turning to face Kali. "Say I saw the improvement to the quality of life the men have."

"Ah that. Well I took it into consideration after this one." Kali pats Bache on her hip. "Asked me and it's been going well. We got a lot more Amazoness!"

"Ah... I see." Cirrus was regretting this, the life of a Amazoness in Telskyura was a brutal one.

'Maybe not being born would have been a mercy if you ensure this hell?'

Cirrus turns his head around, deciding to no longer wish to add or know of the country of blood.

“Ahem! So, shall we get going Ai, Circe, Nox?"

“Are we not going to take The Paddle with us?” said Circe. "You worked on it for a long time."

“Uhh… no, I rather try to get rid of this rust I got from not fighting after 4 years. Plus it would be faster to return by foot give me and Ai are first class adventures."

“Even after you spent four years of hard work to let it stay there?”

“Oh, well… I mean, I’m sure Telskyura could use it for something.”

“No worries! We’ll put it to good use!” Kali said with a mischievous grin. "And if Evilus returns we'll be sure to wrap them up nicely for you!"

"Thanks. I hope your not gonna ask me for something, are you?"

Kali kept smiling her usual sadistic expression.

"Well of course! I and everyone else wished to have a bloodline here."

"Goodbye Kali. I appreciated the help!! Let's go! Let's go! I can already feel them trying to undress me with their eyes!!" Cirrus said pushing Ai along.

"Bwa-ahahahaha!! Farewell you White-Clothed Calamity!!" Kali shouted as all the Amazoness waved him farewell.

They then began their travel with supplies given to them by Kali and her Familia.

Traversing the mountain area of the country, Cirrus, Nox, and Circe were in awe of the majesty of the mountains and waterfalls.

“Ooo… amazing!” they all said.

“I thought so too when I came through here.” Said Ai.

“Hold on!” said Nox as she leaps off the edge and turns into a fairly big owl, and flies around.

“Hey Circe, can you turn into a bird?” said Ai.

“… can you?” said Cirrus. “Nox turned into one to conserve on mana.”

“Um… I can, but um… it’s not very cute…”

“Come on, show us!” said Ai.

“I promise we won’t say anything.” Said Cirrus.

“Mmm… fine, I’ll have your word.”

Circe stretches her limbs and leaps off the edge, a poof of smoke covers her, and up flies a Northern goshawk with feathers like her pink hair.

“Holy shit, you’re a falcon!!” shouted Cirrus.

‘Hmph! Do you like it?’

“It’s cool as hell! What do you think, Nox!”

Nox flaps her wings, looking at Circe’s falcon form.

‘It’s good, but how good are you at flying?’

Nox then flew, using some impressive maneuvers.

‘I-I can’t do that! I haven’t used this form in a long time!’

As the two flew around, Cirrus was looking on with a smile.

“They're like sisters!” Ai said.

“Yeah… so shall we get go—!!”

As Cirrus turned around, Ai gave him a surprise kiss on the lips.


She smelled of flowers when she leaned in for a kiss. It was something Cirrus wouldn’t forget.

“Fufu I wanted to do that since I saw you, but we were around Nox and the others.” She said with a sly smile as she made her way through the mountain range.

'I did it! I did it!' Ai thought to herself excitedly. 'With all of those beautiful and sexy dark skinned beauties fawning all over him I bet he wanted a kiss!' Ai wanted to win him over, to do this she has and did take the first step.

“…” Cirrus had a surprised and blushing face as he softly touched his lips. “… Uwah.”

In the 4 years, Ai had grown aggressive in her tactics from the times she would hang out with Aisha on her off days. The result of this would bear itself later down the line.

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