Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.2] Quest 100- Warmth

[Vol.2] Quest 100- Warmth

After telling them what had happened, Nox was staring daggers at Circe.


"I said I was sorry! I didn’t know it would end up with a—"

"How were the 4 years with my contractor…" she said with eyes that hadn’t blinked in a minute.

"C-can we talk about this later? I’m on the lookout and you're distracting me!" Circe said, flustered from her staring.

"Fine… if you call me big sis Nox."

"W-what! Why!"

"Because I contracted Cirrus first and I am older than you, Hecate didn’t send her sprites till 10 years after Nyx did, so I am the big sister."

"Fine! Just let me—PORT! PORT!"

Down in the steering room, Ai and Bache were catching Cirrus up on the world.

"Ah... now I kinda wish I stayed on the island... They're going to kill me." Cirrus said, steering the boat.

"No worries!" said Ai. "I’ll do it before them!" she said with a smile on her face.

"I-I’ll be sure to make it up to you! And you as well, Bache, for helping Nox." He said with a smile.

"N-not at all! Um, so are you going to stay in Telskyura to recover?"

"Umm… I guess I need new clothes, so—"

"I’ll take care of it!" she said, putting her hands together.

"Hmmm…" Ai looked at Bache with keen eyes.

Cirrus would, along the way, take glances at Ai, since this was the first time in 4 years he had seen her.

She was now considerably taller, with more maturity to her appearance. She still has her shoulder-length white hair and purple eyes. Her clothes are a mix of eastern and western, with her top being a white and purple kimono with black pants and boots.

After two hours of going at full speed, they made it to port.

Several Amazoness gathered to watch, and Cirrus could see their eyes change to those of a predator when he walked out wearing his mask.

"He’s with me!" said Bache. "You girls go back to what you were doing! He is exhausted from his journey!"

"Come on! You wanna sleep with me!"

"No, me!"


Ai stomped the ground and looked at the Amazoness.

"He is tired! If you wish to try and sleep with him, you have to get past me! By the way, I am level 5, so." She then cracked her knuckles.

All the Amazoness quickly scattered.

‘S-she’s level 5!’ thought Cirrus. 'Oh geezus.'

"Bache, I'll help with the food, Ci—I mean Zephyr. Do you know your way back?"

"Back where? The place I stay—"

"I’ll show him the way," said Nox.

"Hm, we're going to get some stuff to make some dinner," said Ai.

"I see… Well, I’ll see you later tonight."

As Nox walked Cirrus to the home, Circe followed closely behind him.

Returning to Nox’s home, Cirrus realized it was the place he stayed before he went off to fight the monster.

Entering the home, Cirrus found that it had changed little from the last time he was there.

"Ooo! What a nice home!" Circe began to go around and look.

Walking upstairs, Nox led Cirrus to his room.

He opens it, and it has Nox’s scent.

"I’ll be up to bring you new clothes."

"Thank you."

Nox leaves the room, and Cirrus walks to the bathroom.

"Ahh… a bath."

He starts the bath and feels the warmth of the water.

"Ahhh... fuck a warm bath at last!"

Cirrus removes his raggedy clothes and gets in. He scrubs his body, and all the grime and dirt turn the water brown. He lets the water drain as he lets the faucet go, so as he scrubs, the dirty water gets drained out.

As he bathes, the warmth gets to him and makes him drowsy.


He keeps his consciousness and finishes cleaning up. He gets out and dries himself. Walking out, he finds his new set of clothes. They look like those that the Amazoness would wear.


Cirrus gets himself dressed and simply falls into bed and lets his consciousness slip away on the soft bed.

When Cirrus wakes up, he finds Nox sleeping next to him in her human form, hugging him.

Cirrus smiles as he carefully looks at Nox’s exhausted face.

"… I'm sorry I left you for so long."

He hugs her tightly, and he notices a smile forming on her face as they both drift off to sleep after four years.

The next morning, Nox wakes up.

"… Was it a dream?" She sits up and touches the space next to her. "… What a cruel dream."

She gets up and walks down the stairs.

While walking down, she heard some familiar voices. Her heart starts to pound, and she sees a familiar weapon with a black blade and a green gem. She walks down faster and finds a white-haired Renard cooking while an Amazoness helps her.

At the table, a young woman with long pink hair in conservative Amazoness clothing sat with a human with long brown hair tied up.

"Nox, you’re up!" Cirrus said, turning his head, his emerald eyes filled with joy at the sight of her.

"It wasn’t a dream…" she said softly, with a big smile.

"Hm? What did you say?" Cirrus said.

"N-nothing! What’s to eat!" she said with a smile.

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